This might cause me to become unpopular in some circles but notoriety is better than no-notoriety. The thought that appears on the horizons of my perhaps limited cognitive processes is that many of the clowns I observe in the political news of the day are horribly uneducated. Then I am reminded that many of these folks have, in fact, adorned their walls with various degrees of sheepskins from some reasonably respectable institutes of higher learning. Despite their tawdry 5$ haircuts and ill-fitting suits, they have in fact jumped over some pedagogical hurdles. So what gives?
After a minimum of consideration, I have come up with my theory of educability. I believe that we are all endowed with a gene, or at least a predisposition and susceptibility, towards becoming educated and wise. Hmm . . . how to describe this in bite sized nuggets of didacticism?
It’s not unlike Velcro. Bear with me on this analogy. Much of the time, education ‘sticks’, that is it holds together creating a more unified and complete individual. The more one studies history, philosophy, etc. the more the accumulated wisdom of the ages adheres to one’s being. But some folks seem to possess a Velcro ‘hook’ strip that is so befouled with the mire of bigotry and hatred, that no amount or style of Velcro ‘educational loop strips’ will connect with them. You can lead a loop to strip but you can’t make it stick; and some horses you can lead to water but you can’t make them drink, particularly if the horse is unaware that it’s water in front of them. I suppose one could also cast educational pearls before swine, but if the porkers aren’t truly aware of the gems, they’ll continue to wallow in the muck.
I might be onto something here, but for now I will recede into the deepest corners of my study, awaiting the inevitable bimbo apocalypse.
By George Connell|2020-08-16T15:20:51-07:00February 25, 2017|