eorge Carlin once famously said “You have no freedoms . . . You have owners.” 
Since you were born, you have had your intactitude whittled away by almost everything within which you have come into contact. Someone or something is always making a move on your human resources; your time or your money. As a nation, we have been born into lockstep with the behemoth to the south; economically, socially and totally. With few exceptions we are vassals of a larger power, as are the citizens of that power as well, ironically. We talk a good talk, but we still consume acres of sh*t and hectares of redundancy. We tap our toes to mindlessly Orwellian computer generated music and hold ourselves in thrall of canned and predictably manipulated media and entertainment.
We have become an unthinking entity, a miasma of short-sighted and cloying beliefs. We have food delivered to our doors, gamble what little earnings we have on lottery tickets and ponzi schemes masquerading as ‘investment opportunities,’ believe unabashedly in personal rights and freedoms while eschewing responsibility to others. We look to make a buck on any opportunity, nickel and diming ourselves into the ground or under a slimy rock. We all think we know better when we invariably don’t know our ass from that very same hole in the ground.
The 60’s epithet ‘if you love it, let it go’ is primarily referenced when speaking of a lost love; but the true pudding proof is that every time we let go of a prejudice, a misunderstanding, or a need to impose our self-importance on the world; only when we abdicate our hubris and accept responsibility for ourselves, will we ever achieve any worthwhile measure of freedom.
Love you all.