George Connell

About George Connell

George Connell is an author, artist, and singer-songwriter from the Sunshine Coast of British Columbia, Canada

Voice of the Turtle, my Ass. . .

Have you ever tried praying and received no answer? Have you been told that if you really really pray hard, you will see a change in your life or even hear someone or Someone responding? I can believe as intensely as the next guy and I have even been [...]

By |2020-08-16T15:33:04-07:00April 29, 2015|

Manage, my Ass . . .

I live in an acceptably bucolic corner of the West Coast rainforest called the Sunshine Coast. I look out over Agamemnon Channel and live comfortably and well. Our community includes people of varying socio-economic means, but there are some things we all have in common; the infrastructure which supports [...]

By |2020-08-16T15:33:52-07:00April 25, 2015|

Tattoo my Ass

There are a great number of experiences in the panoply of male (and occasionally female) rituals to which I have never been privy. That is not to say I am unfamiliar with them; on the contrary I am frequently made aware of their existence on the fringe of my [...]

By |2020-08-16T15:34:43-07:00April 18, 2015|

Gap my Ass

When I was a young lad in my late teens, circa 1967, it was commonly understood that one should not trust anyone over the age of 30; and over the years we 'baby-boomers, as we came to be known, were increasingly lauded and eventually castigated for our abilities to [...]

By |2020-08-16T15:35:28-07:00April 16, 2015|