The normalisation of the abnormal is well and truly here; and we have it in a wide spectrum of flavours. We no longer flinch when informed of some atrocious wrong-doing in government. Politicians lie shamelessly, reverse policies to suit the day’s ‘weltanschau’, and blithely accept money from vested interests and foreign powers. Not so long ago, these things would have been grounds for serious consequences; therefore they were invariably covered up in a slimy blanket of subterfuge. Leaders wouldn’t dare to allow any of their sordid doings to reach the light of day, lest they be nailed to the cross of public disapproval. But slowly and surely, these nabobs of nasty have come to realise two things; that although the public is well apprised of any wrongdoings:
They are incapable of contextualising them
Wouldn’t know how to remedy them even if they wanted to.